Corporate Training

How do you want to learn?

Select from one of the following

Learn a new skill

Are you ready to learn something new, or maybe upskill for that next job? Our Short Courses just might be the answer!

Short IT Courses

Our new Short Courses help you to grow your skillset in small friendly groups where learning is easy. 

Training In Your Workplace

Do you need onsite training to upskill your team, or implement new software, or processes? AST Digital can deliver!

Customised Training

AST Digital trainers can customise your training program to suit your business processes. We can also connect with our RTO partners to deliver National Approved Training courses.

Training When I Need It

Don't have time to attend a course, or just need some one-on-one support? Quality training made just for you. 

One-on-One Training

Connect directly with our trainers and we can customise a training plan that meets your needs. No classrooms and no distractions!

Industry Skills Training

Being tech-savvy is more important now than ever.  Our team of highly qualified teachers offer the skills you need to excel in any workplace. 

AST Digital courses are delivered in small groups in a relaxed and friendly environment to ensure you can get the most from your learning experience. Our course material is designed by industry experts to take your skill to the next level.

Mixed technology


Short Courses

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Customised Training

Your company’s competitive advantage and success relies on your team’s performance. Equipping your employees, with the right tools is a good start. However, must be combined with sound training and skills building. Unfortunately, not every organisation has the capacity to educate their staff on top of day-to-day operations. Cue the AST Digital team.

AST Digital trainers design, deliver and assess training programs for employees and leaders at every organisational level. We can customise a training program to suit your specific business needs and connect with our RTO partners to deliver National Approved Training courses.  Our team is passionate about supporting your team you to improve their skills and productivity in your workplace. 

Training session

Our Trainers

Our dedicated team of highly qualified trainers help you further develop the skills and competencies you need to keep making a difference for your organisation. Our team consists of trainers with over 20 years’ experience customising training programs to match business, industry standards, and student needs. 

Personal Training

One-on-One Training

Do you need to upskill and can’t attend a full course? Our dedicated one on one training sessions could be the answer.

These sessions can be at your home, or workplace, or delivered online via screen sharing. Select from one of the following training bundles and we will connect you with your own personal teacher

Training Per Hour

Short, sharp and targeted! Connect with our experts via screen share to review a skill or learn something specific. 

Training Bundles

Save precious time and money from the start. Build your skills with a series of in-depth training sessions. 


    I'm ready to register!

    Congratulations on making a positive step to upskill. Complete the form details and our team will be in contact to discuss your specific training needs. 

    What happens after registration? 

    1. Your details are reviewed by our training manager 
    2. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address provided (with payment options). 
    3. Please make prompt payment to ensure your placement.
    4. Training confirmation is sent to you and you are now ready to attend. Enjoy!  

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